Let's make life better in cities. Show your support for the National Park Cities movement by signing the first Universal Charter for National Park Cities below.

Universal Charter for National Park Cities

Our vision is to make cities where people, places and nature are better connected.

Let’s make National Park Cities that are rich with nature and where everyone benefits from exploring, playing and learning outdoors. Cities where we all enjoy high quality public and green spaces, where the air is clean to breathe and it’s a pleasure to swim in their waters. Together we can make cities greener, healthier, fairer and more harmonious places to live. Why not?

A National Park City is a shared vision and journey for a better life. Everyone in a National Park City is able to benefit and contribute everyday.

It is a large-scale and long-term vision that is achievable through many actions. Much is already happening but by working, learning, sharing and acting together, across communities and governments, we can achieve even more.

We are working together for better:

  • lives, health and wellbeing
  • wildlife, trees and flowers
  • places, habitats, air, water, sea and land
  • time outdoors, culture, art, playing, walking, cycling & eating
  • locally grown food and responsible consumption
  • decisions, sharing, learning and working together
  • relationships with nature and with each other

This Charter confirms that we collectively share the ambition, responsibility and power to deliver these things and more.

What is a National Park City?

It’s a place, a vision and a city-wide community that is acting together to make life better for people, wildlife and nature. A defining feature is the widespread commitment to act so people, culture and nature work together to provide a better foundation for life.

It is a timely cultural choice, a commitment to a sense of place and way of life that sustains people and nature in cities and beyond.

People and cities around the world can draw from the goals, principles and aspirations of this Universal Charter for National Park Cities. We hope that there will be a strong National Park City Family that works together to fulfil the aspirations of this Universal Charter.

The National Park City Foundation will work with others to publish a regular State of the National Park Cities report to highlight actions and progress being made to support the National Park City vision internationally.

By signing this document I/we show our support for the vision of National Park Cities and pledge to help make them a success. Sign below

What if we restored nature wherever we can? What if everybody could lose themselves in nature without leaving the city? What if we shared more knowledge, ideas, tools and experiences? What if there were more beautiful sights, smells, sounds and colours in the city? What if we thought more about those who will be living in the city seven generations from now? What if there was more celebration and spontaneity? What if we did more things to care for the people, places and nature we are interdependent with? What if there was more space for reconciliation? What if we had more balance and harmony within ourselves, our city and globe?

By signing this document I/we show our support for the vision of National Park Cities and pledge to help make them a success.

By signing this document I/we show our support for the vision of National Park Cities and pledge to help make them a success.
Please add your name to sign the Charter.
Email Address
Please let us know your email address. We will not publish your email or spam you.
City & Country
Optionally provide your city and country so that we can anonymously map your contribution.
Are you part of an organisation? Please give your role and organisation.
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Please leave a comment. You could share a 'What if?' question or two that are inspired by the charter if you want. Alternatively you could leave a commitment of something you will do to help make National Park Cities a success.

National Park City Foundation will use the information you provide on this form to stay in touch with you and to provide updates via email, and to count and anonymously map signatures. Location data is only ever stored in anonymous form.

We will not contact you more often than once per week, and typically it will be less than this. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email you receive from us, or contacting us at hello@nationalparkcity.org. Your data will be managed according to the National Park City Foundation's privacy policy.